Category: Michael’s Recent Writing

Small Steps

I’m trying to rearrange the way I invest my time.

I want to take better care of myself, physically and emotionally. I want to spend more time doing things I enjoy. I’m like everybody else, trying to balance a long list of want to and must do items.

The challenge isn’t any different today than it’s been for years. I think my approach is different now.

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Of a Valuable Life, and Other Things

I read. A lot.

I used to read books, magazines, and newspapers. The Internet changed my reading habits, because I can now access so much information so easily. With a few mouse clicks, I can gather articles and columns that interest me through email, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Reader.

Every now and then, I come across something that affects me so deeply I feel compelled to share it. That happened this morning. This column: Cal Thomas’ tribute to his brother is eloquent.

The simple connection is Down syndrome. My niece, Jennifer, has Down syndrome. She will graduate from high school soon. I served on the state Board of Directors for Special Olympics of Virginia for six years. These athletes, their families and friends, and those they inspire, remind me always of the incredible potential and spirit we all possess, if we simply care for and support each other.

When I finished wiping the tears from my cheeks, I started thinking about other things. Important things.

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New Year Evolutions, Part 1

I’ve read article after article this past week about New Year’s resolutions. How to make them. Why to make them. How to forgive yourself when you fail to keep your resolutions. That’s why I avoid making them.

Then I stumbled across an article that prompted me to think differently.

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Getting My Grinch On

Thanksgiving is two weeks away, so I suppose I should give in to the inevitable. Christmas season is here.

It’s really been here since the end of September, but so far, I’ve been able to ignore it. Or at least bury its arrival deep enough in my brain that I didn’t have to deal with it.

Two nights ago, however, as I drove home from work, Christmas crashed through my defenses in a most unpleasant way: a local radio station has started playing Christmas music 24 hours a day.

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